**PHOTOSCAN** Friday August 3, 2018 : start added woody and cube to `~/.ssh/config` file of linux dell so that i can ssh easily. Started with photoscan. downloaded standard version and will try to install it on woody till i get file path of the installation on cube. i need to document a simple procedure anyway. LINUX CMD : `lshw -C display` to see which graphics card is being used want to see cpu, gpu info of system together but cant find it Photoscan system requirements summary: Minimal configuration 1. OS : windows XP or later (32 or 64 bit), MacOSX Mountain Lion or later, Debian/Ubuntu with GLIBC 2.13+ (64bit) - find out name of OS using `uname` 2. Processors - Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent - find info about [macosx](http://osxdaily.com/2011/07/15/get-cpu-info-via-command-line-in-mac-os-x/). cube is debian so wont have to worry about mac. - `lscpu` gives model name of proc. 3. 4gb RAM - check RAM with `cat /proc/meminfo` MemTotal will give you RAM in kB - [ ] learn awk - `awk '/MemTotal/ {print $0}' /proc/meminfo` prints the RAM - BETTER COMMAND THAT I WROTE `awk '/MemTotal/ {gb =$2 /1048576; print "RAM: "gb" GB"}' /proc/meminfo` Installation : `photoscan.sh` Tutorial : Orthophoto & DEM Generation (without GCPs) files too big to load onto woody. might as well try it on the cube. Time log : 12-3 & 1/2 = 3.5 hours Wed Sept 12, 2018 : qtmediaplayer error import video, store in folder, 10 frames qtmediaplayer error /home/lance/projects/PhotoScan/ [qtmediaplayer not found error](https://forum.qt.io/topic/28620/solved-qtmultimedia-defaultserviceprovider-requestservice-no-service-found-for-org-qt-project-qt-mediaplayer/4) Thursday Sept 13, 2018 : permissions permissions to execute photoscan groups kg11 - part of users groups bherndon also part of users